Concrete implementation steps of water and fertilizer integration


Water and fertilizer integration technology is an efficient agricultural technology that combines irrigation and fertilization, which can meet the needs of crop growth and improve crop yield and quality through precise control of water and fertilizer supply. The following are the implementation steps of water and fertilizer integration technology:

First, determine irrigation and fertilization programs

Before implementing integrated water and fertilizer technologies, irrigation and fertilization schemes need to be determined. Specifically include the following aspects:

1. Determine irrigation areas and crop types: according to the size of the land, topography and soil conditions, determine the areas and crop types that need irrigation.

2. Determine the irrigation method: according to the water requirements of crops and soil conditions, choose the appropriate irrigation method, such as drip irrigation, spray irrigation, etc.

3. Determine the type and ratio of fertilization: Select the appropriate type and ratio of fertilizer according to the growth law of crops and soil nutrient status.

4. Determine the time and frequency of fertilization: Determine the time and frequency of fertilization according to the growth stage of the crop and the law of fertilizer need.

5. Determine the amount of water and irrigation frequency: according to the water requirements of crops and soil moisture, determine the amount of water and frequency of each irrigation.

Second, choose the right irrigation equipment

Selecting suitable irrigation equipment is one of the keys to implement the integrated technology of water and fertilizer. It is necessary to choose the appropriate irrigation equipment according to the size of the irrigation area, terrain and crop types.

Third, the construction of water transmission and distribution network

Water transmission and distribution network is a necessary facility to realize the technology of water and fertilizer integration. Water distribution networks need to be built according to the topography and area of the irrigation area to ensure that water and fertilizer can be evenly delivered to each crop. In the construction of water distribution network, it is necessary to consider the layout of the network, the material and specifications of the pipeline, the connection method and other factors.

Fourth, install the dripper and control equipment

Installing dripper and control equipment at the end of water distribution network is a necessary step to realize automatic control of water supply and fertilizer supply. The appropriate drip and control equipment needs to be selected based on factors such as the size of the irrigated area, terrain and crop type. Common dripper and control equipment are drip irrigation belt, nozzle, valve and so on.

5. Configure fertilizer solution

To dissolve fertilizer in water and configure it into fertilizer solution is an important step to implement the water-fertilizer integration technology. It is necessary to dissolve the fertilizer in an appropriate amount of water according to the selected fertilizer type and ratio, and stir it evenly to form a fertilizer solution.

6. Implement irrigation and fertilization

According to the established irrigation and fertilization scheme, the implementation of irrigation and fertilization is the core step of the integrated technology of water and fertilizer. In the process of implementation, irrigation and fertilization need to be checked regularly to ensure the accuracy and uniformity of water and fertilizer supply. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation and fertilization program in time according to the actual situation to meet the needs of crop growth.

irrigation and fertilization

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