soilless cultivation of vegetables in greenhouse


modern greenhouse

Soilless cultivation technology refers to a planting technology that does not use soil or absorb nutrients directly from the soil, but uses nutrient solution as a nutrient for crop growth, getting rid of the restrictions on the soil. At present, all modern greenhouses can be soilless cultivation, and with the integrated irrigation system of water and fertilizer, higher product yield and quality can be achieved. All types of greenhouses can be used. At present, spring and autumn modern greenhouses, winter warming modern greenhouses, multi-span film greenhouses, multi span glass greenhouse and sunlight panels and other intelligent greenhouses can achieve soilless cultivation production and planting.

Among them, spring and autumn greenhouses and winter warm greenhouses take into account the planting cost, usually adopt simple matrix cultivation mode, such as the use of yellow sand, slag, wood chips, etc., as the cultivation medium, water and fertilizer integration as the simple matrix cultivation mode of irrigation means, due to the low cost, it is more used in such greenhouses. But the effect is more modest.

Hydroponics and aeroculture belong to the production mode of plant factories, which has a high annual output and produces green and pollution-free products, so the requirements for greenhouses are also higher. Using this model of production will generally choose multi-storey glass, multi-storey sunlight panel greenhouse. This kind of greenhouse has a good airtight, complete cooling, heating, ventilation, shading equipment can achieve the greenhouse year-round or even all day production.

Soilless cultivation and planting generally adopt integrated irrigation system of water and fertilizer, which can greatly improve planting efficiency, reduce water and fertilizer waste, and save production costs. At the same time, the integration of water and fertilizer can achieve precise fertilization, so that plants fully absorb nutrients to protect the soil from pollution.

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