Five tips for greenhouses


agricultural greenhouse

By improving the growing conditions of greenhouse vegetables and improving the yield and quality of vegetables, the management of agricultural greenhouse installation should change with the changes of the season. Below, Hongyang summarizes five effective management methods for large family agricultural greenhouses:

1. Humidity control is one of the key points of winter greenhouse management. Many farmers know that 70%-80% humidity in the shed is appropriate. However, because many greenhouses do not have hygrometers, farmers can not accurately grasp the humidity in the greenhouse, resulting in a variety of diseases. Therefore, the hygrometer should be hung in the agricultural greenhouse, which is particularly important for vegetable farmers. When the humidity in the shed is too high, in addition to ventilation and reducing humidity, grass and wood ash can also be applied to the ground.

2. After entering winter, insufficient light has become an important factor affecting the increase of vegetable production. Most farmers know to set reflective screens in sheds, but some reflective screens are hung too low, and vegetables are easy to block the light, resulting in poor use of reflective screens. When setting up a reflective screen, a reflective screen 1 to 1.2 meters wide and 1.7 meters high should be hung on the rear wall. In order to reduce heat storage in the back wall, reflective curtains should not be hung on the back wall throughout the shed. Such as cucumbers, loofah and other vegetables that need strong light, special light can be installed in the agricultural greenhouse, fill the light for 2 to 3 hours, and extend the light time of vegetables to promote the accumulation of organic matter in vegetables and improve production.

3. Agricultural greenhouse soil moisture recorder can record soil temperature, soil moisture, atmospheric temperature, atmospheric humidity and dew point in real time. In this way, the soil moisture in the agricultural greenhouse can be monitored and analyzed, which is more conducive to the planting of crops.

4. Some farmers apply about 1500 kg of nitrogen fertilizer per hectare at a time. They think that the more fertilizer, the higher the yield, in fact, the waste of fertilizer, causing salt damage. Therefore, when farmers grow in greenhouses, special attention should be paid to the problem of excessive fertilization.

5. On sunny days, ventilation should be done one hour after removing the insulated quilt or felt. When ventilating, make a small opening first. As the temperature in the agricultural greenhouse rises, the vent should be gradually increased to facilitate the carbon dioxide outside the greenhouse to enter the greenhouse and promote the photosynthesis of vegetables. Don't close the vents all at once in the afternoon. Gradually close the vents. You can first close the vent halfway and then close the vent completely after 30 minutes. The vent can also be closed first, and then open the vent to cool for 10 to 15 minutes, so that when the temperature inside the shed is stable at about 15, the vent can be completely closed. If you encounter continuous cloudy weather, when the outside temperature is low, the greenhouse should be kept warm, but not ventilated. If there is no ventilation, excessive humidity in the shed will provide conditions for the infection and spread of diseases. Ventilation should be carried out between 12 noon and 2 PM, the width of the ventilation hole is 10 cm, each ventilation 10 to 15 minutes, every 20 to 30 minutes, continuous ventilation 2 to 3 times has a good effect on reducing humidity.

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